Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Intro to Camera Traps

I don't know a whole lot about camera traps besides they are used in situations where stationing a living person would be impractical. A quick Google of the term Camera Trap pulls up a large selection of sites.

  • There was a shopping section where Camera Traps ranged from $80 to over $200
  • At the top of the page there was a section on scholarly articles mentioning camera traps
  • The actual websites had a variety of topics; of course wikipedia was at the top, followed by the World Wildlife Fund, and then a website selling camera traps to researchers (you can ask them for a quote)
I am going to dig into some of the resources in future posts. I hope to answer the questions:
  1. What is a camera trap?
  2. How are camera traps being used in conservation? 
  3. What is a specific example of camera traps being used?
  4. What are the pros and cons of camera traps?
  5. Can I answer all these questions from peer reviewed materials?

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