Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Can I answer all these questions from peer reviewed materials?

The simple answer is...YES!!! I was able to find all the information I needed from peer-reviewed sources. I am always interested in knowing where information comes from, especially numbers. I always see arguments online and I can't help but think where is the source data and how are those numbers being manipulated. Below are the three sources I used.

Galaverni, M., Palumbo, D., Fabbri, E., Caniglia, R., Greco, C. and Randi, E. (2011). Monitoring wolves (Canis lupus) by non-invasive genetics and camera trapping: a small-scale pilot study. European Journal of Wildlife Research, 58(1), pp.47-58.

Meek, P., Ballard, G., Fleming, P., Schaefer, M., Williams, W. and Falzon, G. (2014). Camera Traps Can Be Heard and Seen by Animals. PLoS ONE, 9(10), p.e110832.

Rowcliffe, J., Field, J., Turvey, S. and Carbone, C. (2008). Estimating animal density using camera traps without the need for individual recognition. Journal of Applied Ecology, 45(4), pp.1228-1236.

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